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Victim Resources:

Sign up to be notified of Hani's release, and any other important updates such as a transfer.

This is where you can keep up with the current status of the incarcerated- where they are, what charges they're serving time for, inmate ID numbers, and inmate photos.

Sign up to be notified of Andres' (Andy) release, and any other important updates such as a transfer.

"The Victim Services Program has provided services to victims of crime since 1985.  The program utilizes volunteers assigned to the court advocacy unit, the protective order unit and the family violence unit.  The goal of the program is to provide comprehensive services to crime victims involved in the criminal justice system, who have a case that is being prosecuted by the District Attorney's Office."

This link goes to the University of Oregon legal clinic, but you can also try Lane County Legal Aid  or Oregon Crime Victims Law Center.

SASS Eugene

Sexual Assault Support Services:


"Providing community education, outreach, advocacy and support to survivors of sexual violence and their families."

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